Hi hello. This is where I stash my fan art, there's not a whole lot of it to speak of, but I'm still dedicating a page to it.

Chibi Koyomi Araragi

This was from a time where I was still learning art and figuring out my style, so looking back at it after more than a year, it definitely feels off. anyway, this is Koyomi Araragi, protagonist of the Monogatari Series, a personal favorite of mine for its unorthodox methods of story-telling as well as entertaining characters, interesting dialogue, and compelling plot. Not to mention the editing style of the anime, that shit is iconic.
Kanbaru Suruga would win

Another piece of monogatari fanart, this time starring Kanbaru Suruga, in the iconic "Nah, I'd win" meme. There's not much I have to say about it, frankly, it wasn't made with much thought in mind.
Big guy

This one is a bit of an oddity, because I didn't make it with pokémon in mind. This is actually a piece I did for a close friend of mine who is pursuing his own creative journey with pokémon as a theme. I offered to redraw one of his characters and that's what led to this artwork. To tell you the truth, I couldn't care less about pokémon. So much so I don't know what this pokémon is even supposed to be. Tell you what, once they make a good modern pokémon game, then I'll start caring. Still, I have no resentment or anything like that toward this drawing.
The Queen of Venus

This one is an illustration of the protagonist of the indie game Psychopomp.That game was one hell of a nightmarish fever dream and a very interesting journey that I highly recommend, even though it made the stylistic choice of using dungeon crawler movement mechanics (Think Persona 1 or any early Shin Megami Tensei game) as well as having one of the more unique types of main character: Barely-contained crazy. And I gotta say, I love, love love love LOVE her design. The perpetually wide-shot eyes, the uneven teeth, the stiffness of her stance and movement, and the psychopomp helmet, BOY ain't that some fantastic character design. Also also, the sountrack is an exotic banger.

A continuation of the previous one. In the game's loading screen, it features "Real-life tip" that are nuts, much like the rest of the game.
An example: "Viruses do not exist. Illness is simply your body punishing you for what you have done wrong." and "All food you have ever eaten is rotten. You have never tasted fresh food." and let's not forget, "Inanimate objects feel pain. Make sure to hit them against things as hard as you can, they deserve it."
Seven giving Cola a low taper fade

Here we have fanart of the main character of underrated Chinese anime Scissor Seven wherein Seven gives Cola a low taper fade. This whole thing came to me as an idea when I saw the scene of him giving her see-through bangs, which she then proceeds to throw away and replace with her usual wig (she wears wigs cuz she's a cancer patient). Anyway, I thought to myself: "Haha, wouldn't it be funny if-" and then I blacked out for half a day and woke up with this already in my hard drive. Not the first time this has happened, and I doubt it'll be the last.