This here is my latest (currently still in the works) and greatest (due to lack of competition) piece of literary work: MECHAMERA!

The plot goes something like this:
NEO-DESTROY, a violence-centric, perpetually-apocalyptic hellscape where the good die young and the awful prosper, is where all walks of monstrous creatures stalk its smoldering rustic sand: Demons, who mold and manipulate concepts as they wish, yet fell victim to immortal insanity. Chimeras, the flesh corpses the Demons possessed as their own. Mutants, Deformed Wildlife that thirst for blood. And the most dangerous, foul, and relentless abominations that plague the world by the millions, consuming and burning down everything in their path with insatiable hedonistic desire and greed:
Due to genetic evolution, humans are the most fearsome beings in this world, even the meekest, most frail human can sweep armies with one hand. This leads us to the main element of the story: The rest of the poor suckers who have to co-exist with them and unfortunatly, the humans do not wish to co-exist. They would rather wring any and every drop of usefulness out of every other creature until not even the bones remain.
Vollerei, a solitary Chimera living in the middle of 'actual, legitimate nowhere' wishes for nothing less than to live in total isolation with his demonic sister, cutting ties the chaos and cruelty of the outside world and running a humble mechanic shop. Sadly, abandoning one life for another is difficult when that previous life was one of absolute notoriety. One thing leads to another, and the anti-demon forces of the humans show up to claim their due in the form of his execution and he ultimately gets dragged back into the world he abandoned in order to escape the clutches of death, meeting many fellow Demons, Chimeras, and rare, 'pleasant' humans in a bloody quest that devolves into a greater universal plot starring an ensemble cast. All is the unveiling of Violence, Death, and Love!
But let's be real:
It's gonna be a long while until I fully finish this damn thing. Along with balancing my university studies and my other hobbies, I signed up for one doozie and a half, I'll tell ya that. But still, I'm planning on releasing each chapter of this novel on a semi-weekly basis eventually. Currently, I am at the mid-point of writing it (currently 60+ chapters) and struggling with the nastiest of writer's blocks, so uhh... Hopefully things will be smoothed out eventually.
Anyway, Mechamera centers around a guy named Vollerei, a 'Chimera'(which is a demon possessing a human corpse) and his malevolent, morally nasty sister who's name is unknown. (she knows what her name is, but no one else does) and the gist of the plot is that a human guy called 'Alexander' ripped out his heart to kill him, but thanks to the semi-immortality of Chimeras, he gets to live just a while longer to retrieve his heart before he croaks for good.
A lot of the good stuff this novel presents is hidden in the spoilers dimension, but in the vaguest terms possible, the story eventually stops being about Vollerei and his heart and becomes an ensemble story, (starring all the important characters introduced throughout the start of the story) that tackles a much greater and deeper plot than "yeoch my heart", you get what I mean?
Okay, but can you explain what a demon even is?
If you're asking me in a theological sense, then boy, I am NOT your guy.
Demons in Mechamera are metaphysical manifestations of concepts born of the human mind. Think of Devils from Chainsaw man or Curses from Jujutsu Kaisen, and that's pretty much what the Demons are, except with a stronger emphesis on the 'concepts' part. Basically, a Demon can fully manipulate anything related to their concept. Take for example, Vollerei, our main character, who is the Mechanical Chimera (again, demon in a human corpse) and that aspect allows him to both transform his body into mechanical parts (like motorbike wheels for mobility or piston arms to punch fast) or manipulate any machine at a distance (His primary weapon is 'the Hellion', which is a battle motorbike that he controls mentally to attack in tandem with him. Think of the puppet archetype character in any fighting game and that's basically what's going on.)
that's good and all, but then we get to the more abstact concepts, like desire, chastity, malice, cosmos, and vanity, to name a few, and then we get into concept hierarchies, like the gun concept being lower in the hierarchy than mechanical concept or the angel concept being lower than the holy concept, which is lower than the almighty concept
Most of the demons, being literally billions of years old, eventually either went insane and became mindlessly monstrous, or outright became fully catatonic. That's where Chimeras come in. The Demons' ability to possess human corpses is an evolutionary trait to combat their endless existance. By doing so, their memories are erased and their immortality is brought down to semi-immortality. There are a few exceptions, demons that retain their full memories yet never yield to madness nor numbness, but they are very few and far in between.
With all that being said, how the hell are humans stronger than these dudes?!
Good question.
The short of it is... These motherfuckers are built different.
The long of it, on the other hand, is that due to the aforementioned evolutionary mutation that came as a result with living in a demon-infested environment. Some of what I'm going to say is a tad spoilery, but it shouldn't be too bad, I think. Basically, humans developed a whole new organ called 'Fooly'(modern shorthand for it's actual but outdated name, fool's organ, named such due to "favoring a fool's strength rather than their mind") located directly underneath the stomach, which dispenses a liquid called Vigor, (originally called "Fool's vigor" when it was a relatively new discovery) that acts as a wild substance that increases their strength and pain tolerance to a ridiculous degree. Think of it like this, if we measure the humans' strength with Yujiro Hanma units, the weakest recorded human clocked in at around a 0.25 Yujiro Hanmas. What about the average human? That's 1 Yujiro Hanma, more or less. as for the combat oriented, like handymen and bodyguards, they average at around 5 to 7 Yujiro Hanmas. But if we include some of the more horrific outliers, The YUJIRO HANMAS in a planet full of Yujiro Hanmas, Sam The Hero and Raimundo the Blind Hitman, to name two, they reach up to 700 Yujiro Hanmas on a good day. All in all... Damn.
Okay, okay, and what's the point you're trying to reach with this story?
Surprisingly, the story is about purpose. That's to say: "Are we meant to serve the purpose given to us at birth or should we strive to find and pursue our own, personal purpose?"
I could delve further, but at that point, we'll be going into extreme spoiler territory. So uhh... If you found this nonsense interesting, then uhh... wait a little while for further updates, since, y'know, it ain't out yet lmao.